Премини към основното съдържание
  • applications
    Автоматично управлявани или автономни превозни средства, които транспортират широка гама от продукти от щайги до палети, стават все по-популярни в днешната бързо развиваща се среда. Електромеханичните задвижващи механизми повдигат няколко тона в малко …
  • sub_segment
    Sub segment
    Въздушните работни платформи и оборудването за достъп се използват на различни места, но стават все по-използвани и се регламентират от закона на строителните обекти в нашите градове и в сградите. Тенденцията е към хибридни или изцяло електрически …
  • news
      Press release 7th October 2019   SKF Motion Technologies becomes Ewellix​   SKF Motion Technologies, formerly part of the SKF Group, has announced that it is to launch a new name and branding, to reflect the changes that the company has undergone since …
  • news
      Article   Production flexibility through linear motion technologies   As the automotive industry enters a period of transition, vehicle production lines increasingly need to be smart, flexible and adaptable. In response to these requirements, Ewellix, …
  • news
      Article   The force awakens   A new generation of electromechanical actuators is replacing hydraulic cylinders in a host of demanding applications. Increasingly, that choice is being driven as much by cost advantages as by performance.     For …
  • news
    Press release - October 21, 2019   Ewellix launches new actuator reducing time and costs for car manufacturers.   The next generation CEMC Series electro-mechanical actuator, with inverted roller screw technology, has been designed by Ewellix to help car …
  • news
      Press release - November 18, 2019   Ewellix launches new series of IoT-ready electro-mechanical   actuators.   Ewellix has redesigned its high performance CASM-100 and LEMC actuators with new built-in wireless sensors that can detect force and …
  • news
      Press release - November 04, 2019   Ewellix launches next generation miniature profile rail guides for industrial and medical automation.   A new series of compact, precision linear rail guides from Ewellix for industrial and laboratory applications …
  • news
      Press release   New kits from Ewellix transform the capabilities of industrial robots   A new series of linear motion modules from Ewellix has been launched to transform the capabilities of industrial robots, extending their reach and footprint.     …
  • news
      Press release   Ewellix launches open linear ball bearings with enhanced performance   Schweinfurt, 27.05.2020   –   The new D-series offers increased load ratings, improved running behaviour and a simplified mounting procedure.      Ever since it was …